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Phi Delta Theta
Illinois Beta

As one of the oldest fraternities at the University of Chicago, the Illinois Beta Chapter of Phi Delta Theta has consistently positioned itself as an elite fraternity, both on a college and national level.  Today, a group of motivated students occupies the active Chapter. With the support of our student leaders and illustrious Alumni network, we will continue to take our Chapter to new heights.



On the night of December 26, 1848, six men, who are now termed the "Immortal Six," joined together out of a desire to create a new brotherhood. 


Throughout the next few days, in one of the student's dorm bedrooms at Miami University (Oxford, Ohio), the men decided on an appropriate motto and constitution.  On December 30, the "Immortal Six," put their signatures to The Bond of the Phi Delta Theta.

Only 17 years later, the fraternity of Phi Delta Theta made its way to the campus of the University of Chicago... now considered the "Old University of Chicago" since the school was re-established in 1890.

The Illinois Beta Chapter of Phi Delta Theta has been recognized for being one of the oldest chapters of our general fraternity and, also, one of the oldest at our university. Our rich history and distinguished Alumni network are truly special.


Friendship is one of our 3 cardinal principles that was established at our founding in 1848.  

Beyond being a core value of our fraternity, brotherhood has been a really important hallmark of our Chapter at the University of Chicago.  Binding Illinois Beta together, our brotherhood has made our Chapter what it is today and will continue to propel us into the future. 

At UChicago, academics can be stressful.  Having fun and being a part of a Chapter's support network has enabled many Brothers to navigate and enjoy their undergraduate years.  


Our Mission

Our Executive Board is comprised of highly motivated leaders who strive to leave the fraternity better than they found it.

Every year, our Executive Board aims to improve the Chapter in many areas.  Recruitment of quality Brothers is at the forefront. On the same note, strengthening Phikeia Education is a major focus. Finally, building positive relationships with the UChicago Campus, other Greek life organizations, and the surrounding Chicago community is extremely important to our leadership.

Illinois Beta is on a mission to serve as a positive example of a fraternity chapter.   We are extremely proud to be Phis!

Contact Us

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5625 South University Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637

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