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Exciting Final Phase of IL Beta of Phi Delta Theta Renovations- Winter 2022

As of January 2022, Capital Campaign Co-Chairs John Gregg '84 and George Woodbury '83 are excited to announce that the Chapter House, at 5625, is alive again. Eight Active Members and Chapter Advisor Charlie Gallagher moved into the House on December 13th, 2021, into the 2nd and 3rd floors, furniture including beds having arrived in early December 13th of 2021, with $1.93 million in support for our renovations coming from the Palmer Foundation, the facilities support branch of Phi Delta Theta, out of Oxford, Ohio.

As of January of 2022, the Capital Campaign for Illinois Beta of Phi Delta Theta's renovations is moving into its all-important final phase, the aim being to set up furniture, equipment, and window treatment for the Basement, the Ground Floor, and the Kitchen.

To reach our full potential, we're hoping that all of our 600 alumni will contribute to this project, to the level that they can, because we need to raise $175,000 to finish the Basement, the Ground Floor, the Dining Rooms, and the Kitchen. Our goal is to receive our alumni into our finished House in time for the University of Chicago Alumni Weekend, May 19th-May 22nd 2022, and all of you are invited to join the students on-site then.

Our overall goal is to open a full food service on-site in the Fall of 2022.

For more on Illinois Beta's Capital Campaign, click here.

George Woodbury Jr.

M.D. BA '83 MD '87

Chair of the Capital Campaign of Phi Delta Theta


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