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VICe President

Haish Vishnuraman 


Major: Economics

Year: 4th 

Hometown: Powell, OH


I joined Phi Delta Theta in the Fall Quarter of 2018. It was an exciting time to join as our Chapter was re-founding on Campus. It has been amazing to experience our Chapter progress over the years. Through the ups and downs of being a new Chapter, our brotherhood continued to grow stronger. Now, as a 4th year in the College, I know that joining Phi Delt has been the best decision I made as an undergrad. I am excited to see where our Chapter goes over the next 5 years and beyond.

Outside of Phi Delt, I am an economics major heading to Los Angeles after graduation to work in investment banking. When I am not hanging out with my brothers, I love to listen to Classic Rock and play video games. I also watch College Football (Ohio State preferably) at any opportunity. If you are thinking of rushing or want recommendations for your playlist, I would be happy to chat.

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